Ruby’s summer recap

This unseasonably chilly weather has me thinking of fall and reflecting back on a truly amazing summer. Ruby had so many wonderful new experiences and learning opportunities this summer. While we are sad that school is only a couple of weeks away, I feel content knowing that we maximized each weekend. Here are some highlights of Ruby’s summer:

We joined some friends at the Elko Speedway for our first auto racing experience. Ruby loved the loud cars (note the earplugs) and the excitement when cars crashed. We thought about staying for the drive-in movie, but it was getting late and the weather was a little iffy. We will have to try that again someday.

Elko 1 Elko 2

We zipped around the local trails on Ruby’s snazzy new adapted bike. It took a while for her to decide on the color, but I think she made a wise choice with pink, don’t you think? She is doing such a great job pedaling and is getting better with steering, though I’m very grateful the bike came with a steering handle in the back. It has saved her from having a few crashes with curbs and parked cars!


Ruby played on the Miracle League baseball team again this summer, which is an adapted league played on a flat field to allow kids of all abilities to participate. She was blessed to have several of her friends from school come to the games and help her out as a “buddy.” She made so many wonderful new memories this season and we are looking forward to four weeks of baseball in October!

baseball 1 baseball 2

Ruby took adapted swimming lessons this year and she loved it! She worked on laying on her back and putting her face under water, which actually came in handy a few times this summer when swimming got a little wilder than expected!

swim lessons

Ruby had many play dates this summer! She had friends over to our house, we met up for ice cream, went to birthday parties, and went swimming and biking. It was a blast!

IMG_4305 IMG_8104 swimming basketball

We took our annual family vacation to northern Minnesota in July and Ruby really enjoyed an entire week of fun in the sun. The weather was amazing. We attempted to tube behind the boat this year, but quickly realized that Ruby is probably not ready when we got thrown off the tube and dunked into the lake. She was not happy about that! We’ll try again in a couple of years!

up north 1 up north 2 up north 3 up north 5 up north 4

Ruby had five weeks of summer school, which were packed with lots of great learning opportunities. She enjoyed working on Braille, doing crafts, singing, and playing lots of fun sports in adapted phy ed. Here’s a picture of her attempting to throw a horse shoe.


Ruby got to see her great-grandma Ardolf last weekend. She turns 101 in September and is having some issues with her memory, but she always seems to remember Ruby.


She had a ton of run at both of her daycares this summer. She went to the zoo, park, beach, and the Dakota County Fair to name just a few of the many places they explored. Her friends Olivia and Mattie did her nails every Friday all summer long!

daycare CAM04821

Overall, it was a wonderful summer. Ruby is looking forward to seeing all of her friends at school and learning so many new things this year. I hope your summer was as sweet as ours!

Angie and Ruby